Python - Create Guess The Word Game Using Tkinter

How To Make Guess The Word Game In Python Using Tkinter

Python Guess The Word Game

In this Python Tutorial we will see How to Make a Guess Word Game In Python Using Tkinter .

- initializes a list of words to guess from.
- sets up the GUI components, including labels, textboxes, and buttons with their respective functions.
- Create The "displayWord" function to displays a word with some missing letters as underscores and randomly selects positions to hide letters.
Create The "checkWord" function to checks if the entered word in the textbox matches the current word being guessed and updates the result label accordingly (either "Correct" or "Wrong").
- The "Start" button initializes the game, disables itself, and enables the "Next" button for progression.
- The "Next" button checks the current word, updates the result, and proceeds to the next word.
- When all words have been guessed, the "Start" button is re-enabled to restart the game.

Project Source Code:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import Tk
import random

root = Tk()
root.title("Guess The Word Game")

words_list = ["driver","signature","history", "response","president","highway",
"computer", "appartment", "forest", "chocolat", "lawyer"]

index = -1

lbl_word = tk.Label(text="Word", font=("Verdana",20))
textbox = tk.Entry(text="Guess", font=("Verdana",20), justify="center")
btn_next = tk.Button(text="Next", font=("Verdana",20), state = "disabled",
bg="#2980b9", fg="#fff", command = lambda : btn_next_command())
btn_start = tk.Button(text="Start", font=("Verdana",20), bg="#2980b9",
fg="#fff", command = lambda : btn_start_command())
lbl_result = tk.Label(text="Result", font=("Verdana",20), bg="Grey", fg="#fff")

lbl_word.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
textbox.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="nsew")
btn_next.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="nsew")
btn_start.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="nsew")
lbl_result.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky="nsew")

# create a function to display the word
def displayWord():
if index == -1:
lbl_word['text'] = "Word"
textbox.insert(INSERT, "Guess")
text_val = words_list[index]
pos1 = random.randint(0, len(text_val))
pos2 = random.randint(0, len(text_val))
pos3 = random.randint(0, len(text_val))

text_val = text_val[:pos1] + "_" + text_val[pos1+1:]
text_val = text_val[:pos2] + "_" + text_val[pos2+1:]
text_val = text_val[:pos3] + "_" + text_val[pos3+1:]

lbl_word['text'] = text_val

# create a function to check if the word entred is correct
def checkWord():
if textbox.get() == words_list[index]:
lbl_result['text'] = "Correct"
lbl_result['bg'] = "Green"
lbl_result['text'] = "Wrong"
lbl_result['bg'] = "Red"
if index == len(words_list) - 1:
btn_start['state'] = 'normal'
btn_next['state'] = 'disabled'

textbox.delete(0, END)

# create a function for the start button
def btn_start_command():
global index
index = 0
btn_start['state'] = 'disabled'
btn_next['state'] = 'normal'
lbl_result['text'] = ''
lbl_result['bg'] = 'Grey'

# create a function for the next button
def btn_next_command():
global index
if index < len(words_list) - 1:
index += 1




////// OUTPUT : 

Python Guess The Word Game Source Code

Create Guess The Word Game Using Python Tkinter

Guess The Word Game Using Python Tkinter

How To Make Guess The Word Game In Python Using Tkinter,

How To Create Guess The Word Game In Python Using Tkinter,

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