Inventory Management System Source Code Using C# And SQL SERVER
this inventory management system project is created using c# and sql server database to help others understand how to create their own.
Watch This Full Demo
1 - Login Form
- CheckBox To Show Or Hide The Password
- Button Login And Close
2 - Home Form
3 - Manage Product Form
3.1 - Add New Product
3.1.2 - Add New Product With A New Categorie
3.2 - Update Selected Product
3.3 - Delete Product
3.4 - Search For Products
4 - Manage Categories Form
- Insert, Update, Delete Categories and Navigate
- visualize the products in the selected categorie
4.1 - Manage Categories : Double Click On The Categorie
5 - Manage Customer
- Insert, Update, Delete Customer and Navigate.
- Customer Statistics.
6 - Manage Order
- Datagridview To Show Customers
- Datagridview To Show Products By Categories
- Datagridview To Show The Selected Products To Insert Them In The Order
6.1 - Customer Orders
- Click On The Datagridview Customer To get The Customer Id
- Double Click On The Datagridview Customer To Show The Customer orders
6.2 - Add New Customer
6.3 - Show Products By Categorie Using ComboBox
6.4 - Add Empty Or Unvailable Quantity
6.5 - Add Selected Product
Add More Than One Product
6.6 - Insert The Order / Delete One Or All Products Added
Insert The Order With His Details And Update The Stock Quantity
6.7 - Print Order
Print The Selected Order To A PDF File
7 - Manage Users
- Insert, Update, Delete Selected User
7.1 - Create A New User
Download Your Source Code Now :
Delivery: Instant Source Code Download.
ReplyI wish there was a module or code to connect a scanner in order to read bar codes.
Hi Alberto,
ReplySorry, I don't have a barcode scanner to use it in this code
ReplyCan you plaese contact me on my e-mail at
Replycan i connect with MySQL?
Replyyou have to change the database script + some change in the source code
Replyi cannot even login should i change anythin ?? or what is the problem ??
Replydid you purchased the source code ?
Replyhi I didn't found file on your link for source code
Replyclick on the big red image "Get This Code"
ReplyHay Bangladesh Portal!!
ReplyHave u this codes?
Yess i purchased the code ?? and i have recieve the full source but i cannot even login in the application ????
ReplyWhat should i change to log-in ??
when did you purchased the code ?
Replyand give me your email i will send you information (and check if you purchased the code) or use the website where you purchased the code to contact the seller.
do you call 1$ a purchase ?
Replyand we told you the changes to make and you dont know how to do it
and we ask for the error and you send us a screenshot
you dont even know the error
all i can tell it's to go learn c# again
+ no one complaint excepts you
+ and the code is free now
have a good day
You have asked me about it . ???
ReplyI do not know what to change ?
Just tell me what to change!!!
Hi Naing Jason
Replyyou can get the code it's free
are you kidding me ?
Replyi already told you in the emails
Thank you man. it will be really helpful for me. reallly need it. thanks bro
Replyyou are welcome
ReplyI buy you are code.
ReplyBut i can't not run you re code.
login and password
Replyi hv msg error with BD like this :
ReplyMsg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
Directory lookup for the file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\MY_DB.mdf" failed with the operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.).
Msg 1802, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.
Friend I bought the code of this excellent I would like to know if you can send the database to me to the email
ReplyFriend I bought the code of this excellent I would like to know if you can send the database to me to the email
Replyyou can fin the database script with source code
ReplyWhat to do next after downloading? I cannot see the c# codes
Replyhi,i have error inport database do you have solution
ReplyThank you. I 4324953 your code in It runs very smooth. Do you intent to write more code in this project? Manage suppliers, purchases, serials for each individual item in warehouse, I mean to improve your code to keep.
Replyhi can u help me th error about database please
ReplyThank you so much for this project , can you give me step to run script ! i am new with SQl ty so much again my mail ,
ReplyThank you very much for sharing this ! But I was wondering how to insert values using checlistbox to database since I will be selecting multiple values? Do you have tutorials for that kind of code? I've search but the codes used here is different from the other ones and it only retrieve one value.
ReplyAdditional information: Cannot open database "MY_DB" requested by the login. The login failed.
When i upload the database script to sql server it show my
45 errors ? cant execute ?
can you give me database password i cant use without it
ReplyThank you for this wonderful project
But I have a problem when I log in Please help me
I did not know how to install the database
Thank you for this wonderful project
ReplyBut I have a problem when I log in Please help me
I did not know how to install the database
seems cool, just not able to download source code. so is it for sale now? just a little confused because its advertised as free yet when I click on down load I have to buy I do not mind however wish you would just say your selling it or don't say its free, or have a donation button instead of buy, just my thoughts. i would have got it but feel mislead although I know I could just give a dollar still feel mislead
Replydid you see the price ?
can you give me the use case diagram of this application ! Thanks millions . Waiting for your answer...
ReplyHello can you send me the use case diagram of this application , I wanted to make a report and pass a course . Thanks
Replysorry i dont have it
ReplyHello no problem, but can you tell me please about the application, it contains how many actors ? Admin and user I think right ! Or customer too ? And if right it means that admin have only one additional thing to do in comparison with the user , that the admin can manage users , am I right ? Thanks for answering.
ReplyIs there any instruction on how to install both the App and the DB so it can correctly work?
Replygood day i'm trying to pay with my master card to get the source code, but i can't make the payment, i will be glad if i can get the source code on my email:
ReplyThanks bro, really helped a lot. I could learn mode from you. I Salute you bro..
ReplyHello, there is a problem with the code. When i run the program, it runs but
Replywhen i click the login button it does not work. I can not close the output also. There is a exception handling showing that an error occured when establishing connection.The server was not found. Check the instance name is correct or not....
Another problem is with the database, it is not in mdf format. so it is not working.
Can u solve the problem?
Hey can you email me how to run the script? i have some error like sg 5133, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
ReplyDirectory lookup for the file "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\MY_DB.mdf" failed with the operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.). How?
// call add quantity form
fq.pro_id = Convert.ToInt32(selectedRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString());
the pro_id value is come from where? please help me
How to connect the script and generate database and how to connect it with the project
ReplyI have problem with script. How can I run script ?
ReplyHi, I have a problem with sqlscript .
ReplyHi.. is there anyone who can help?
Replycould you please tell me the software requirement of your system.
ReplyLet me please your product is not :
hi ...
Replywhat is the login password for admin
Whats The Username and Password
ReplyWhats the Database Password
Why does it say free but its not
Why did you spend the time to do the application but give no instruction whatsoever. Didnt expect step by step instruction. but an outline of somesort would help. like hey here is what you need to do/learn.
by the time anyone figures this out. they will have code the entire thing them selves, which cool for them. however, what good does this program do if all its going to do is put everything to a stop at the login screen
Whats The Username and Password ?
Replyif you mean the user username and password to login into the application you can add it in database table user
Why does it say free but its not?
if you mean people in the comments , the source code was free for month
you can read at the end of the post a disclaimer so you know what you expect
Okay thanks, Got it Working. Appreciate the Response!
Replyyou will get a .RAR file
Replyyou have to decompress a rar file
go to the database -> table user -> add a new one with username + password
Replyadd a new user to the table 'user'
ReplyHi there,
ReplyI have paid US$20 to purchase the code. However, my Norton remove the file properties.resources.designer.cs.dll once I unzip the file.
Is it any problem in this dll or what shall I do to retain it?
Best regards,
stop norton until you finish
Replyor read this from norton support
ReplyGet i please get this code. my email is
I bought the program right now and I went to open it and it's just the login, what do I do?
Replyanswer here
tell me where the login database file is please
Replyif you mean the user username and password to login into the application you can add it in database table user
Replyif you mean the user username and password to login into the application you can add it in database table user
Replywich is the file of database and the respective way .
ReplyIs there any instruction on how to install both the App and the DB so it can correctly work?
Replyhow do I connect the database to the program?
Replywhen you get the compressed file extract it on your computer you will find a folder name "database script" inside this folder a file name "script.sql" and it's the database script
Replythank you ;)
ReplyThanks for sharing this
ReplyI have 3$ in account paypal
ReplyPlease help me!
ReplyI have purchased the source code.
Can you tell me how to install SQL server to run this app? what feature will be installed
Thank you!
download and install sql server 2014
ReplyI signed up for the courses... beginnger and interm.. will this show me how to build an app like yours the inventory one.. it looks really neat I would like to learn how to build one similar to yours
Replyit will give some knowledge, but to create your own apps you need to start with small/basic apps to bigger ones, and if you find a problem google and stackoverflow are your friends
ReplyI have purchased the source code.
Can you send me design files of images in resource?
Thank you!
what do you mean by design files?
Replyyou can find all images in the resources folder
if you mean .PSD files, no i don't have it, i just use
i'm having the same problem... when i open the program on visual studio and try to run it, when i press login, the program crashes
Replyhi. i'm still new to coding all together, and i still don't understand a lot about connection to the database. however, it is exactly what i'm having trouble with, when i begin. is there any directions you can give me so i can make this app run, at least? fell free to send me an e-mail:
Replythanks in advance
best regards and good work
ReplyI have the same problem as Joaquim Bessa.
Could you help me a little? My email address is
Thank you and nice work!
Greetings and I hope for a quick answer.
i want to purchase this product plz give me a direction. i am from pakistan
Reply)hi brother i m from afghanistan how i would buy this code because in (pay with credit card there is no option for afghanistan
ReplyThank you. It works fine except for a few codes. I've solved the problems. Excellent.
Replyhi brother i m from ghana how i would buy this code because in (pay with credit card there is no option for Ghanaians thank u
Replyhi. I just bought this project,i'm still new to coding all together, and i still don't understand a lot about database script. well am enable to open the scripts,wow i saw alot, pls can u guide me how i can run the script to work in my computer with the database and UI any tutorials/video/picture/text any will help me. . however, it is exactly what i'm having trouble with, when i begin. is there any directions you can give me so i can make this app run,
Replythanks in advance
best regards and good work, u are good
hi Ijeoma,
Replywhen you get the files run the database script on the SQL Server, and make sure that the database path in the app is correct
hi bestsharp , thanks for your mail. i was able to run it , is running, but i have a problem with , printing customer order an error came up like DIRECTORYNOT FOUNDEXCEPTION was unhandled,, also an unhandled exeception of type System.IO. directoryNotfoundExeception occurred in mscorlib.dll. pls help me to solve this problem. i dnot know what could be the reason guide me. Thank u sir
ReplyNB; THis part will be highted in the FORM ALL ORDERS, IE Filestream fs = new filestream(@"c:\users\samsng\desktop\files\printed_order.pdf",filemode.create);. Thank u sir. waiting for ur reply
Replywheres the code??
Reply1BestCsharp what is wrong., that after purchasing your software , and i have issues with it , u found it difficult to answer or help someone, that is not fair, at all. then is of no use buying a complete source , without instructions to get it working in someones PC, change your ways, if u really want to help people out feel free. good name is better than. bad name
Replyhi emmy,
Replythe instruction is simple.
when you get the file decompress it -> you will see 2 folder (1) the application (2) the database script -> execute the database script on your sql server & open the application with visual studio
if you have an error make sure to change the paths in the application
NOTE: read the disclaimer at the bottom of the post
bestsharp , thanks for your mail. the problem i got now is this when i want to print out order of a customer, ie from the form all orders, i have errors from this part of the form . this is the message that will come up DIRECTORYNOT FOUNDEXCEPTION was unhandled,, also an unhandled exeception of type System.IO. directoryNotfoundExeception occurred in mscorlib.dll
ReplyIE Filestream fs = new filestream(@"c:\users\samsng\desktop\files\printed_order.pdf",filemode.create);.kindly tell me what to do get this errors corrected. i believe u know the best. thank u
as i said change the paths in the application with your own path
Replyex: change -> c:\users\samsng\desktop\files
1best copy thanks, pls can u develop Church management system in c# and SQL server and how much will u sale it. i just love your software UI still the best . keep it up
ReplyHow can I get source code ??
ReplyPlease help me
link at the end of the post
ReplyHello I am writing to confirm that made purchase of this program on your website and made the download after run it, got some errors that I will provide below. The first error was on MySQL program, after run it it displayed the following error: Error code: 1064. You have an error in your SQL syntax ; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL version for the right syntax to use near '[master] GO /****** Object: Database [MY_DB] Script Date:03/08/2016 10:35:0' at line 1. On Visual studio program after run it, got the following errors: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException occurred
Message=A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)
Inner Exception
Win32Exception: The network path was not found
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error Could not write lines to file "obj\Debug\\TemporaryGeneratedFile_E7A71F73-0F8D-4B9B-B56E-8E70B10BC5D3.cs". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. Csharp_Project
I look forward to your help and hearing from you. Thank You
Kind Regards
Replyfirst thank you for purchasing this project source code.
seconde there some errors that depend on your machine and what you are using that's why i put a disclaimer (you can read the disclaimer at the end of the post and in the project sells page on sellfy).
now back to the errors, i tried searching online and i found these posts, i hope they can help you:
this is still available? pls reply asap i will buy your source code . thank you or email me
Replyhi, i want to know how i can design my own report because when you print a order appear the printed document but all static i want to got it better could you help me with that?
Replyhi bro, pls i want to know if u connect the application to receipt printer will it fit on the printing paper normally ie it will not be to big for the print order paper. thank u. looking forward for your feedback. NB AM TRYING TO BUY A RECEIPT PRINTER
Replyhi, i have bought the bundle, but i cant start the application. Inventory management system. Please help me about this situation. Which steps should i follow?
Replyhi makif,
Reply1 - decompress the file using winrar, winzip or other programs
2 - create your database using the script provided with code
3 - if you can't login to the application add a new user to the table user
Can you help me?
ReplyCan you plaese contact me on my e-mail at
ReplyI already purchased your project and I need your help to run it
Can you please contact me on my e-mail at
hi سعود,
Replyif you have a question please post it here
I want the steps from the beginning, where do I install database, and I expect that I need a SQL server, so how can I be able to run the program correctly?
Replythe instruction is simple.
Replywhen you get the file decompress it -> you will see 2 folder (1) the application (2) the database script -> execute the database script on your sql server & open the application with visual studio
if you have an error make sure to change the paths in the application
if the users table are empty add a new user to it with username + pssword
NOTE: read the disclaimer at the bottom of the post
can you give me database like Script.mdf .i tried with sql but i cant do it .
Replyplease help me .
I did not know how to install the database
in the script you can see the tables names and fields, you can create a new one.
i can enter like user but i want to enter like admin .
Replycan you sand to me in
and thank you
where is code source ????
Replyclick on the big red button in the bottom
Replyhi ... can i get code source free pleas ..
Replyi from iraq
click on the red button at the bottom of this post
Replyit is asking for $15 for code?
ReplyIs it FREE?
if it's asking for $15 it mean it's not free
Replyi can't find the password
Replywhat password ?
Replyplease send repair mysql to email thanks
Replyhi jakub,
Replywhat do you mean by repair mysql ?
this project is created with sqlserver database
hello sir, I am a junior software developer can I have the source code for free! my email is
ReplyHi, brother, I bought this project but I can't update it to database Sql Server pleas help me .
Replyhello!! Can u send me a zip file of this project
Replyyou need to purchase it
ReplyWhere do i get the code
Replyclick on the read button
Replywow its interesting to be here
ReplyCan i get the source code free Im just a student
ReplyDownload Code
ReplyHow to use Script?