.Net Core Courses

Learn .NET Core

Learn .NET Core

What is .NET Core?

as expalined by the microsoft visual studio channel .NET Core is a new cross-platform ( runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems ) and open source version of .NET, targeting Cloud and Mobile scenarios. It is the basis of ASP.NET 5 and .NET UWP apps.

and in the recent Developer Survey made by stackoverflow, the .NET Core Framework come out third as the most commonly used framework.

screenshot from stackoverflow

Course 1 - Getting Started with .NET Core for Windows Developers

if you are a windows developers and you want to start creating apps in the different operating systems, now you can do that using the .NET Core.

in this course You will learn:
how to create cross-platform .NET Core console applications.
- get a look at the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
- build a single app that runs on any Windows 10 device.
- see this app run as a Windows Desktop app, Mobile app, and on an XBox

and much more......


Course 2 - Building Cross-platform Applications with .NET Core

in this course you will see how to develop and run .NET Core apps on a variety of platforms.

in this course You will Learn
- confidently testing across platforms.
- how you can work with files.
- how you delpoy your application.
- how you configure apps.
- how you can write and read data.
- dependency injection.
- use asp.net core to embed a website.

Stop wasting your time and start learning now

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