C# Courses

How To Improve Your C# Skills To Start Building Your Projects

want to create your first c# application but you find it hard?, not knowing to much?, so many errors that you don't know how to fix?.

don't worry it's the start of every programmer.

in this blog post i wanna share with you some of the best selling  C# courses on udemy that will help you go from a beginner to an advenaced.

about the instructor 

this courses is created by "Mosh Hamedani" one of the Best-selling Authors on udemy
Mosh has a: 
- Master of Science in Network Systems.
- Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering. 
- Microsoft Certified Application Developer, 
- Technology Specialist (Web Applications) and Professional.

ok now let's go to the courses

1 - C# Basics for Beginners: Learn C# Fundamentals by Coding

check this course out ]
this course is your first step in the c# world with 5 hours of video content you will get your first foot on the door
you only need Visual Studio Community Edition (FREE)

what you will learn?

here is a list of this course sections 

2 - C# Intermediate: Classes, Interfaces and OOP

now you have some basic knowledge in C# so let's get more,
to create web mobile descktop apps you need to learn POO( object-oriented programming)

what you will learn?

here is a list of this course sections 

you get the basics + intermediate , now time to get your c# skills to the next level
you will learn some advanced topic to sharpen your c# knowledge

what you will learn?

here is a list of this course sections 

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