Learn Python

Python Courses For Beginners

learn python

What is Python?

Python is one of the top 5 programming languages if not the first,
it's an easy language to learn.
Python is also used for AI, Machine Learning, Data Science and App Development.

Why Learn Python?

1 - Salary.
according to indeed.com the average salary for Python Programmer in the United States is $117,940 per year.

2 - Demand.
and according to stackoverflow survey made on 2019 Python is the most wanted programming language.
"Python is the most wanted language for the third year in a row, meaning that developers who do not yet use it say they want to learn it." - stackoverflow .

Most wanted programming languages 2019

3 - Usage.
You can use Python to do a lot:
1- desktop GUI applications.
2 - websites and web applications.
3 - Scripting (automate repetitive tasks).
4 - AI & machine learning.
5 - Data analysis & visualization.

Course 1 - Python 3: A Beginners Guide to Python Programming

this Python Course is created by "Tony Staunton" a 130 lectures (7h+ video course), no experience in programming required to take this course.

python course 1

in this course You will go from a complete Python beginner, installing Python to creating your own programs.
you will see the beginners stuff (loop, varibles, Variables, Strings  Comments, Functions ..........).

- Social Proof.
number of students already enroled: 6,688 Students.
How students rated this class:


Course 2 - Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3

this Python course is created by "Jose Portilla" a Data Science Training and Consultant.

python course 2

in this course You will get over 180 lectures and over 20 hours of video content, and you will learn a lot, for example:
- learning both Python 2 and Python 3.
- advanced Python features.
- complex topics, like decorators.
- create games.
- learn to use object oriented programming (OOP).

and much more...

Social Proof.
number of students already enroled: 725,780+ students.
How students rated this class:

Stop wasting your time and start learning now

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24 avril 2021 à 08:12 delete

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