JAVA Hotel Management System Source Code

Hotel Reservation Management System Source Code Using JAVA NetBeans And MySQL Database

JAVA Hotel Management System Project

in this java complete project tutorial we will see how to create a hotel reservation management system in java programming language with mysql database.

goals of this project:
- give students / curious persons an example so they can learn from it.
- helping people create their first project. 
- sharing knowledge with others.

- java programming language.
- netbeans ide 8.2.
- mysql database.
- phpmyadmin.
- xampp server.

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1 - The Database Schema

the mysql database will contains 4 tables:
1 - table users : to store the users usernames and passwords and allow them to login.
2 - table clients: to store and manage the hotel clients data.
3 - table room's types: to store the hotel rooms categories ( single, double, family, suite ).
4 - table rooms: to store and manage the hotel rooms data.
4 - table reservations: to store and manage the hotel rooms reservations data.

2 - The Hotel System Login Form

the login form will allow the Users to login into the application Main Form.
the user need to enter his username and password before clicking the login button.

java hotel management system - login form

if the user enter wrong username or password or let any one of this two fields empty an error message will show up telling him what's the problem.

java hotel management system - login form - enter username

java hotel management system - login form - enter password

java hotel management system - login form - wrong username or password

and if everything is ok, when you click on the login button the main hotel system form will show up and the login form will close it self.

3 - The Hotel System Main Form

after the user successfully login, he will see this simple form with a menu using jmenu swing.

java hotel management system - main form

and he can select where he want to go.

java hotel management system - main form - menu

3 - The Hotel System Manage Clients Form

when you select "Clients" form the main form menu, the ManageClientsForm will show up

java hotel management system - manage clients form

- when this form load all clients will be displayed into a jtable.

- to add a new client enter his data and click on "Add New Client" button.

- to edit a client you need to select him first from the jtable and enter the his new data.

- when you want to delete a product just select the product you want to remove and click on the "Remove" button.
- when you Edit or Remove a CLIENT click on the "Refresh" button to see the new results in the jtable.

5 - The Hotel System Manage Rooms Form

here the user can add a new room to the hotel system. when you add a new room you need to select the type of room (single, double, family, suite).

and like the client form you can view all rooms in a datagridview and add, edit, remove the selecte one + a combobx populated with all room's categories.

java hotel management system - manage rooms form

i you click on the show types button this form will show up with all the room's types available in this hotel managemnt system.

Note: there is no form to mange room's types, if you want to add, edit, delete a category you can do that directly from the database.

java hotel management system - manage rooms form - rooms categories

6 - The Hotel System Manage Reservations Form

This form allow the user to manage the clients room reservations.

to create a reservation you need: 1) enter the reservation id, 2) select the client who will reserve, 3) you need to select the room where the client will stay.

when you add a new reservation the system will check:

- if the user enter all required informations.
- if the user enter a date in that is equal or come after the current day date.
- if the user enter a date out that is equal or come after the date in.

java hotel management system - manage reservations form

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