Java Student Information System Source Code

Student Information System In Java Using NetBeans 

Java Student Information Management System

In this Java Tutorials Serie we will see How To Create A Simple Student Information Management System In Java And MySQL Using NetBeans .

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How It Work:

  1 - Login Form

     if one or more text fields are empty show asterisk

login form empty text boxes

     if username or password are wrong

login form incorrect username or password

     if everything is ok then show the main form

form main

 2 - Main Form

   the main form contains a menu to go to the manage students forms, manage courses forms,      manage scorses forms.
a welcome label with the logged user USERNAME .
a panel with a label on it to show total number of students .
a panel with a label on it to show total number of courses .

form main 2

3 - Student

     form to add a new student
add new student

     if you try to add empty information
add student empty fields
     if everything is ok
new student added

     when a new student added the student count in the main form will increment + 1

main form total students count + 1

    manage student form
manage student information

     manage student form click on add button will open the add new student form
manage student click add button

     search students in database by text and display them on jtable
search students

     get selected student information from jtable into textfields
get selected student from jtable to input fields

     edit the selected student
update selected student
update selected student 2

     remove selected student, the user scorses will be also deleted
delete student 1
remove student 2

the student count in the main form will be decrement by 1 (up pic = 8, down pic = 7)
student deleted

3 - Course

     add course form: course name and hours numbers for this course
add new course
course added

     manage course form
manage courses form

     edit selected course: get selected course from jtable to text fields and enter new data into text fields.
update selected course
edit selected course

course updated

click on add button will show the add new course form
manage courses click add button

     delete selected course : all scores for the selected course will be also deleted
remove selected course
course removed

4 - Score

     add score form: add score to selected student from jtable for the selected course from jcombobx.
add score to student
add mark to student

     show all scores form
show all students scores

     manage scores form
manage scores

     edit selected score
update selected score
score edited

     deleted selected score
delete selected score

remove selected score

    manage score click on add button
manage score click add button

if you want the source code click on the download button below

Delivery: Instant Source Code Download.

More Java Projects:
Java Project With MySQL Database With Source Code

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18 février 2019 à 21:20 delete

I have purchased this project( Student information management system) source code and I want the project report kindly send me the project report
