Python Tkinter Quiz App Source Code

How To Make a Python Quiz Project Using Tkinter

Python Tkinter Quiz App Source Code

In this Python Tutorial we will see How to Make a Simple Quiz App Using Tkinter .
to create this quiz app we will use frame, radiobuttons, stringVar, buttons.

Project Source Code:

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import StringVar

root = tk.Tk()

questions = ["1 + 1 = ?","2 + 2 = ?","3 + 3 = ?","4 + 4 = ?","5 + 5 = ?"]
options = [['A','B','2','C','2'],['A','4','V','C','4'],

frame = tk.Frame(root, padx=10, pady=10,bg='#fff')
question_label = tk.Label(frame,height=5, width=28,bg='grey',fg="#fff",
font=('Verdana', 20),wraplength=500)

v1 = StringVar(frame)
v2 = StringVar(frame)
v3 = StringVar(frame)
v4 = StringVar(frame)

option1 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, bg="#fff", variable=v1, font=('Verdana', 20),
command = lambda : checkAnswer(option1))
option2 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, bg="#fff", variable=v2, font=('Verdana', 20),
command = lambda : checkAnswer(option2))
option3 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, bg="#fff", variable=v3, font=('Verdana', 20),
command = lambda : checkAnswer(option3))
option4 = tk.Radiobutton(frame, bg="#fff", variable=v4, font=('Verdana', 20),
command = lambda : checkAnswer(option4))

button_next = tk.Button(frame, text='Next',bg='Orange', font=('Verdana', 20),
command = lambda : displayNextQuestion())

frame.pack(fill="both", expand="true")
question_label.grid(row=0, column=0)

option1.grid(sticky= 'W', row=1, column=0)
option2.grid(sticky= 'W', row=2, column=0)
option3.grid(sticky= 'W', row=3, column=0)
option4.grid(sticky= 'W', row=4, column=0)

button_next.grid(row=6, column=0)

index = 0
correct = 0

# create a function to disable radiobuttons
def disableButtons(state):
option1['state'] = state
option2['state'] = state
option3['state'] = state
option4['state'] = state

# create a function to check the selected answer
def checkAnswer(radio):
global correct, index
# the 4th item is the correct answer
# we will check the user selected answer with the 4th item
if radio['text'] == options[index][4]:
correct +=1

index +=1

# create a function to display the next question
def displayNextQuestion():
global index, correct

if button_next['text'] == 'Restart The Quiz':
correct = 0
index = 0
question_label['bg'] = 'grey'
button_next['text'] = 'Next'

if index == len(options):
question_label['text'] = str(correct) + " / " + str(len(options))
button_next['text'] = 'Restart The Quiz'
if correct >= len(options)/2:
question_label['bg'] = 'green'
question_label['bg'] = 'red'

question_label['text'] = questions[index]
opts = options[index]
option1['text'] = opts[0]
option2['text'] = opts[1]
option3['text'] = opts[2]
option4['text'] = opts[3]

if index == len(options) - 1:
button_next['text'] = 'Check the Results'




////// OUTPUT : 

Python Tkinter Quiz App Source Code

Python Tkinter Quiz Project Source Code

Python Tkinter Quiz Program Source Code

Python Quiz App Source Code

Python Tkinter Quiz Program

if you want the source code click on the download button below

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