PHP School Management System Source Code

School Management System in PHP with Source code

School Management System In PHP

in this php project demo you will see how to use this School Management System project build with PHP and MySQL Database.

this Responsive Online School Manager Software allow you to mange Students, Teachers, Classes, Parents, Exam and much more.

- Apache server.
- PHP programming Language.
- JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS.
- MySQL Database.

- CodeIgniter.

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1 - Login

to use the application the user need to login first

PHP School Management System - Login

each user have a specific role to do with a customized dashboard

as an admin you will have access to the entire app, and you can manage everything.

once you successfully login the user will be redirected to the dasboard.

2 - Dashboard

before we go to the dashboard let's first see:

- The SideBar Menu

you can minimize the menu using the top button

- The Header

in the the you can choose the running section, edit your profile our logout

3 - Manage Admins

you can view the list of the current admins delete the selected one, update his information or add a new admin.

admins list.

add a new admin

edit the selected admin data from the list

remove the selected Admin from the list

4 - Manage Students

in this section you can manage students enrolment to specific class for a certain session, manage student promotion.

- students information in selected class ( class one in this eample )

- add a new student to the selected class

to do more you can click on the "action" button on the list

- view student mark sheet.
- you can print the mark sheet if you want

- you can generate student ID.

- view student Profile ( Basic info, Parent info, Exam Marks, Payments )

- You Can Admit bulks students

and you can edit, or delete the student you want

5 - Manage Teachers

here the admins can manage teachers.

- view the teachers list.

- add a new teacher

- edit the selected teacher data

6 - Manage Parents, Librarian, Accountant

here the admin can mange ( view, add, edit, remove ) parents, librarian and accountant.

- you can assign parents to a student.
- a parent can be assigned to multiple students.

- a Librarian is responsible for issuing of books.

- an Accountants can manage payments and expenses.

* what you will see if you login as Librarian

* what you will see if you login as Accountant

7 - Manage Class, Class Routine, Subject

you can add a new class and assign a tacher to this class
+ you can create multiple sections and subjects under the selected class you want and assign a specific tacher to it.
+ you can schedule a class in a specific day and time

- Classes List

- Add Class

- Class Routine

- Add Class Routine

- Subjects List

- Add a New Subject

9 - Manage Students’ Attendance

as in any school you need to manage students attendence daily and keep track if a student are absent or present.

- you need to select the class, the section and the date.

- now click on the "Manage Attendance" button.
- you can see the list of student in this section and set them to present or absent

10 - Manage Exams

our school's student need to do some exams, so here is the place where you can manage exams and online exams.

- you can view exam list and add, edit, remove the one you want.
- you can manage exam grades.
- you can manage marks.

- not only that you can also create and manage online exams.

11 - Accounting

the accounting section allow you to manage payments and expenses and create and view student invoices and more.

- vew invoices, payment history, selected student payment history. 
- view student invoice.

- you can also add an Expense Category.

12 - Library, Transport, Dormitory

- manage books ( view, add, edit, remove selected book ).
- manage transport ( view, add, edit remove selected transport, you can attach students to a transport service and view students attached to this transport ).
- manage dormitory ( add, edit, remove selected dormitory, view students in this dormitory ).



13 - Noticeboard

if you want to make an announcements, you can go to the noticeboard and create your notice, the notice will show up in the calendar .



14 - Messaging

you can send private messages to users

- create a messaging group

- send messages.

- view messages

15 - Settings

here you can change the system settings.

- General Settings.

- SMS settings.

- Payment Settings.

- Languages settings

I Hope You LIked This PHP School Management System.

if you want the source code click on the download button below